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Ahn, J*., Kim H*., Park, J., & Han, S. (2018) Interactivity of neural representations for perceiving shared social memory, Korean Journal of the Science of Emotion and Sensibility, 21(3), 29-48. [pdf]




Ahn, J., Lee, J., Han, J. H., Kang, M. S., & Han, S. (2018). Group analysis data representing the effects of frontopolar transcranial direct current stimulation on the default mode network. Data in brief, 20, 1309-1313. [pdf]


(* : Co-first authors)

In Preparation


Writing Manuscript Completed


Ahn, J., Nah, Y., & Han, S. Voxel-wise mapping of functional magnetic resonance imaging in impression formation

[Find Out More]


Min, S., Jun, S., Ahn, J., Lee, J., Lee, S-K., Park, S.H., & Han, S. Intrinsic functional connectivity in emotion regulation network is altered in emotional laborers  [Brief Summary]


Lee, J., Lee, H-J., Ahn, J., Min, S., Lee, S-K., & Han, S. Exploring the optimal high-resolution echo planar imaging protocols to reduce susceptibility-related BOLD signal dropout [Poster]



Writing Manuscript


Ahn, J., Jun, S., Min, S., Lee, J., Lee, S-K., Park, S.H., & Han, S. Altered emotional attention and brain functional connectivity networks of emotional laborers [Brief Sumary]


Ahn, J., Nah, Y., & Han, S. Functional connectivity patterns predict the relationship of task difficulty expectation and subsequent decision-making [Poster]



Data Analysis Completed


Ahn, J., Lee, J., Han, J. H., Kang, M. S., & Han, S. Altered intrinsic functional connectivity networks after frontopolar transcranial direct current stimulation [Poster]

©2018 by Jeesung Ahn. 

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